+1 929-458-6213
The following 3D portfolio piece is a 3D Light Bulb Design that we have made using Autodesk 3DS Max. We have an expert team of 3D artists, rendered and modelers to create these sorts of intricate lightbulb models. The following lightbulb model has complex material, which is hard to create as well.
In the following light bulb design, we have used transparent material on the glass. As a result, you get to watch the inner structure of the light bulb as well. Along with transparency, the following material has reflective characteristics. It gives you the illusion as if the following material is glass.
At the bottom part of the bulb, we have brass copper at the bottom part of the bulb. As a result, the following bulb creates an illusion as if the light is placed in real life. It took us quite a bit of time to create these kinds of models and reach perfection. Plus, the following 3D Light Bulb Modeling needed long hours of rendering as well.
Our expert renderers have set up render settings of the bulb material, so you get the best output from it. Due to better rendering, we have got the best possible outcome from the rendering settings. Hence, if you need rendering solutions, we could help you make a better solution for you.
Plus, our precise modeling would make your projects a lot smoother and easier right away. You get the shape and model you will ask for. For example, right into the following bulb model, we have used optimized vertices to make working with the following shape a breeze.
So, check it out right now and let us know if you need anything similar to the following displayed model. It would be worth your time and effort in both ways.